Natalia L. Rudychev
maiden name: Natalia L. Kurdubova
Exhibitionism and Social Justice, The Perceptions and Politics of Social Justice, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, 2/18/2006
Solaris: Counterpoint of “Sculpting in Time”, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, 1/11/2006
Cinematic Thinking and the Meaning of History: A. Tarkovsky’s The Passion According to Andrei, PIC, Binghamton, 4/22/2005
Academy and Polis: Politics of the Language, The Academy and the Polis, Duquesne University, 2/25/2005
Tarkovsky’s Thinking (Ivan’s Childhood), Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, 1/13/2005
Becoming and Lordship and Bondage and their Contribution to Political Thought, PIC, Binghamton, 04/17/2004
The Phenomenon of Monstrous in F. W. Murnau’s “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror”, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, 01/11/2004
Vertigo (Filming as Thinking), APA, Washington DC, 12/28/ 2003
Visions of the Future and the Role of A.I., Learning Solutions, Vienna, Austria, 12/05/2003
Social Sciences: Caring Glance or Grasping Stare?, XXI World Philosophy Congress, Istanbul, 08/11/2003
Apology of Desire, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 06/03/2003
Artifacts and Thinking, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 06/10/2003
Contemporary World Picture: M. Heidegger and E. Elias Merhige, PIC, NY, 04/12/2003
Change of the Paradigm of Thinking and Text, Theory & Praxis, Duquesne University, 10/26/2002
Past as Philosophical Problem, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 06/10/2002
Rudychev, Natalia L.. “Academy and Polis: Politics of the Language” accepted for publication in a book.
Rudychev, Natalia L.. “Solaris: Counterpoint of Sculpting in Time”, Conference Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Available on line at (5318 - 5330) and as CD-ROM ISSN#1541-5899, Honolulu, 2006
Rudychev, Natalia L.. “Cinematic Thinking and the Meaning of History: A. Tarkovsky’s The Passion According to Andrei” accepted for publication in the forthcoming International Studies in Philosophy
Rudychev, Natalia L.. “Becoming and Lordship and Bondage and their Contribution to Political Thought”, International Studies in Philosophy 37:1, 2005, pp. 119-128
Rudychev, Natalia L.. “Tarkovsky’s Thinking (Ivan’s Childhood)”, Conference Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Available on line at (5242 - 5257) and as CD-ROM ISSN#1541-5899, Honolulu, 2005
Rudychev, Natalia L.. “Visions of the Future and the Role of AI”, Conference Proceedings of the 1st Global Conference Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Critical Issues. Available on line at
Kurdubova, Natalia L.. “Being of Social Self-Consciousness” (in Russian), Proceedings of the Conference on Social Reality and Social Theory, St. Petersburg, 1998
Kurdubova, Natalia L.. “Myth in the Structure of Social Self-Consciousness” (in Russian), Proceedings of Russian Philosophical Congress, Vol. 4, St. Petersburg, 1997
Kurdubova, Natalia L.. “Solipsism Facing Absurd” (in Russian), Proceedings of the Conference on the Structure of Consciousness, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 1997
Kurdubova, Natalia L.. “Crime as a Moment of Truth Objectification” (in Russian), Proceedings of the Conference on Crime, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 1996
Kurdubova, Natalia L.. “Modernistic Aesthetics and Mythical Method in James Joyce’s Ulysses”, (in English) RuBriCa #1, 1996
Kurdubova, Natalia L.. “Solipsism or Hide-and-Seek” (in Russian), Vestnik RHGI [RHGI Journal] #2, 1996